Friday, June 14, 2019

Day 4 - Marietta

Stats - Today - 78 miles, 2 locks 6 hours - Total 293 miles 5 locks.

OK, so we made it to Marietta, and we had happy hour, pre-dinner drinks, dinner, and after dinner drinks.  Should be a good blog.
Last night was a tough night to sleep in Pomeroy.  Wind was howling up river, and slapping against the swim platform   Temperatures got cold, so no sitting outside.  We decided to get an early start today for many reasons:
1 - we had 78 miles to go
2 - we had 2 locks and one of them had the small chamber down
3 - we wanted to get to Marietta in the early afternoon to walk around town
4 - when we woke up this morning, the boat was at 62 degrees.  Yes Katie you would have loved it.  I actually slept with a blanket.  Good news is that we again did not have to run the generator for air conditioning.

As we were leaving, and I tripped over the dock cleat for the 3rd time, my flip flop came off and fell into the water.  If it floated, it floated under the dock and was not retrieved.  For all of my Cincinnati boat buddies, can you please keep an eye out for on Wednesday or Thursday when it might reach Cincinnati - Thanks.  We cast off lines about 7:30 in 52 degrees.  We arrived at Racine Lock and I thought we would breeze right through, but they decided to lock us through with a barge.  It took him about 40 minutes to get in and tied off.  I made sure to thread the needle and leave before he did.
We made it to Belleville Lock in good time, but with the small chamber down we had to wait for a barge coming the other way.  We anchored out and had a sandwich while we waited.  It took about an hour and a half, but not bad considering.  Not a lot of scenery along the way, just more trees and farm houses.
Every now and then you see a big ole house in the middle of nowhere.
We also passed Blennerhassett Yacht Club.  We did not stop to exchange burgees.
We arrived a Marietta Harbour around 1:30.  We had happy hour on the boat and got cleaned up and headed up to walk around town.  Went into a few shops, but ended up at a nice place for dinner and drinks.  Dinner was fantastic.  After another walk around town, we are now at the boat. 

The cat does seem to become more adjusted each day.  Still not happy when we are cruising, but likes to relax when we are stopped.
This is officially as far up river as I have been, so all new water from tomorrow on.  Probably will try to get an early start tomorrow as well as we need to meet "farmer Will" and his tractor to get some diesel fuel. 

Until next time....   


  1. you should have done some fishing while waiting for the locks!

  2. Should stay an extra day and walk the pedestrian bridge over the Muskingum River to Harmar and get the best fried bologna sandwich at the Harmar Tavern. It is Yummy!

    1. We walked over, but it was after dinner. Maybe on the way baok
