Monday, June 24, 2019

Day 14 – Shawnee Boat Club, Portsmouth OH

Stats – Today- 50 miles, 1 lock, 3.5 hours – Total 837 miles 25 locks.

It was raining when we woke up this morning, so decided to cook up breakfast and wait it out.  Knowing it was going to be a short day and only 1 lock, we were not very concerned about the time.  It had stopped raining before we were done eating, so we cast off around 9:30 this morning.  Plan was to stop at Holiday Point and fill up with diesel fuel again, and then head to Shawnee Boat Club.  Really kind of an un-eventful day, which is good given the conditions.  Got to Holiday Point and took on 300 gallons.  That works out to .79 mpg.  Not bad for cruising at 26 mph.  Marcia did catch that they charged us $10,000 instead of $1,000.  Wow that would have been a kick in the crotch.  Got through Greenup Lock without issue, so no lock pictures today.  YEAH!  Snapped a couple of photos of some nice houses just before Holiday Point. 

We are tied up at Shawnee Boat Club now.  Not a fancy dock, but it does have power.  It is close to downtown Portsmouth, so we are planning to go to Ribbers for dinner.  One of the guys at the marina said he would drive us up, so saves us the Uber.  They have a 10-week-old puppy here, guess it is a basset hound, but I am not a vet.  It was still cute, but they all are at 10 weeks.  For the 1st time on this trip, we seem to be having an issue getting internet.  Not sure if the cell signal here is just that weak, or if something else is going on.  Can’t load any pictures or get this to post right now, so it may be a day late.
Lucy did manage to find a sun ray in the boat while we were cruising.

We are still trying to determine if we want to come all the way home tomorrow or stop for a night in Ripley.  Issue is not the distance as we have done the trip before, but more the river conditions in Cincinnati.  We have been fighting high water since we left, so not sure if Cincinnati should be any different.  Really just about the debris and if we get more rain.
Stay tuned…

PS - I obvious got this to post. 

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