Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Day 8 Pittsburgh

Stats - Today 0 miles, 0 locks,  Total - 474 miles 13 locks.

Wow, it felt good today to not have to travel.  Amazing what a down boating day can do to recharge you after 7 straight days on the river.  It was raining when we woke up this morning, not hard but enough.  We decided to cook breakfast in.  Pancakes and sausage if you are wondering.  Think we have now used the stove in the galley more in the last 7 days than we have over the last 7 years.  It stopped raining after breakfast, so we walked up to the marina office to arrange for a diesel delivery truck tomorrow morning.  Still have to do a heavy sigh every time I say that.   It had stopped raining, so I washed 500 miles of diesel soot, lock wall sludge and river scum off the back of the boat and the port side. Could not get to the starboard side or bow, so that will have to wait.  Marcia did some more cleaning up inside.  We Ubered to the Point State Park and walked around.
Did find some nice apartments if anyone is interested.

We decided to go over to and ride the Duquesne Incline.  We were going to walk, but it was over 2 miles, not a nice walk, and starting to rain.  Uber!  It was cool riding up the incline.  I enjoyed it, Marcia endured it.

Once at the top, we found a Steakhouse / Saloon and had a couple of beers.  View was great. Same fountain from earlier.
 Figures the river that we needed to go up is the muddy one.


 Ohio river.  We came up the right side of the island as you are looking at it.  Or the 1 whistle if you are speaking barge lingo.

We went back down the incline and decide to walk up to Station Square.  About a mile walk, so was good to stretch our legs.  We had a light lunch a couple more drinks at the Hard Rock Cafe.  Sat by the Bare Naked Ladies guitar.  Its almost like they know me.  
It was about a 1 1/2 to 2 mile walk to the Southside Strip, so we decided to walk it.  Not a pretty walk.  Luckily it was a Tuesday afternoon.  Ended up in the Urban Tap.  I had to get a couple local brews and then we decide to get a pretzel.
Yes the pretzel was that big, and no we did not eat it all, but there was not much left either.
Tired and stuffed we Ubered back to the boat, which is where we are now.  I am on the bridge with what is now my daily "pretzel stick" (cigar for those that no habla).  Marcia is relaxing and reading her book.  There is supposed to be a really good Chinese place across the street, so we are trying to work up the energy to eat again.  Not real hungry, but the shrimp lettuce wraps do sound good.
We did not get the rain that they were predicting today, but the river current is still running about the same.  Hoping it slows up some before we need to get fuel and a pump out in the morning.  Will have to find some dock help before we attempt it.  Can't see the current, but you can see the river is up quite a bit.

For all the pet lovers, here is your daily Lucy pic.  Marcia does have quite a few more.  She posted some on facebook, but Lucy might have her own photo shoot here before the trip is done.
Thanks for reading and the comments.  Great to stay in touch with everyone.


  1. Pat, this is really cool stuff! Enjoy checking this blog out daily! Keep up the posts for those of us in AZ to enjoy! More Pics! Are you having to schedule the fuel trucks at every filling? Brad and Tanya Stephens

  2. Hey Brad, marinas up this end of the river do not have diesel fuel. Last marina that had it was Holiday Point at MM 339. Marina here does not have it, but they call a truck in when needed. Kind of a pain for a truck, but it is cheaper and sometimes the only choice.
