Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Day 9 - Pittsburgh

Stats - Today 0 miles, 0 locks,  Total - 474 miles 13 locks.

OK, so lets just rock this thing out tonight.  Day started off with us having to move out of our slip and retie up to fuel up.  After that we needed to go to the gas dock to use the pump out.  Empty the toilet tank for those that do not speak nautical.  Then we needed to turn the boat around and re-dock.  In these pictures I tried to capture how fast the current is moving, but might be hard to see from still pictures.

If you can see the white dot in the upper left, that is usually a "no wake" buoy.  

Luckily, Ray and Roger where here to help us get off and tied back up.  Turns out he was the past General Manager and Roger was the past Service Manager.  Not bad help to have.  This is the area that I had to maneuver in.  We actually tied up on the right side of this picture, just past the bigger boat on the end.  Can't really see the dock, but it was there.
Once we got tied up the fuel truck was right on time.  Just like having our own portable  Shell station.  Price was outstanding at $2.92 per gallon.  Literally choked both tanks full.  Even had about 1 cup left on the swim platform.  YES we cleaned it up with Dave Witherby provided, oil absorb fire station sanctioned petroleum absorbent mats.  Just in case any of the environmentalist are  reading this.  We ended up taking on 262 gallons.  For those of you doing the math, we averaged .58mph.  To be fair, that was up river against a 2-4 mph current.  Just saying.  Hoping for .6 mph on the way back :).  Given the current river conditions, might be .75 mph,

We fueled and then pumped out.  We decided to spin the boat around and just stay at the fuel dock.  Not like anyone is boating and gassing up.  Got the win-win on this.  (sorry to pull that old corporate saying out).  We did not have to reverse back into our old slip, and we can untie in the morning by ourselves since we are parallel to the current.  Picture is our old slip and where we are now.
We relaxed after that and had leftovers for lunch.  We did a marina walk and checked out all of the docks and boats.  All types of boats here, so snapped some pictures for the boat lookers.  The down east boat is the marina owner's.
 Found a "go fast" for Matt Stephens or maybe his brother Brad.

Saw my big sister, the 53' Voyager - they also had big brother 57' Voyager but it was not picture worthy.

They do like their Pluckebaum's here.

Some other random photos from the Marina.  The outside bar, pool, entrance, etc...

Quick rain came and then we Uber'ed to the strip.  Walked around and ended up at Roland's for drinks and dinner.  Maryland Spicy Crab soup and Lobster Bisque.  So full after that we only split Lobster Sliders.  I love it when you go to a restaurant and can only narrow it down to 4 things.  

 And the answer is NO I have not shaved since we left.  No shave June!

Marcia just finished doing another load of laundry while I was typing this.  We are going to head up to the bar and have a night cap.  Have to buy the guys that helped us this morning a drink.  If all goes well, by that I mean it is not pouring rain, or the river does not come up anymore, we are going to try and start making our way back down river.  Keep you posted.

PS - we did go to the bar and had drinks.  And everyone get a double shot of Lucy today - How cool is that!

Everyone pray for no rain!!!!!!!!!

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