Sunday, June 16, 2019

Day 6 - Somewhere between Wheeling and Pittsburgh

Stats - Today 47 miles, 2 locks, 5 hours.  Total - 422 miles 9 locks.

It was actually a pretty quiet night on the river, even though were not in a protected harbor.  We did wake up early this morning to some wave slap on the boat, but not until after 7:00.  We decided to go ahead and get started as they were predicting heavy rain by late morning and afternoon.  We cast off around 8:15.  Pike Island Lock was only 4 miles, so the diesels barely had time to warm up.  Went through the lock without issue.  Some of the locals said that once through the lock we should be good to run until the next lock.  They were wrong.  Felt like I slowed down more over that 30 miles than the rest of the trip combined.  Tons of little private docks with 2 to 3 boats tied up.  Also a lot of fishing boats out today.  I did slow down for some of them as they are pretty small.  I also could not tell if they were armed or not.  As we went into New Cumberland Lock, it started raining.  Not super heavy, but enough for Marcia to have to put on her rain jacket.
We had a choice to stop for the day at Holiday Yacht Club, or continue on through another lock and stay up on Beaver Creek.  (I know - I don't make this stuff up).  The locals were saying that it is a party place, go figure.  With it raining and more predicted we decided to stop.  We are finding that the term "Yacht Club" is getting more loose as we pull into some of them.  Ran out of water coming into Holiday, so we are tied up on the entrance wall.  We have power and water, so no complaints.
Surprisingly the weather people were wrong again.  It is now sunny but still a little wind.  Nice to have some down time though.  One of the ladies at the Marina said that there is a Sparkle on top of the hill.  Marcia and I must of had a very confused look, so she explained that the Sparkle is a small grocery store.  We decide to stretch our legs and walk up.  Was kind of a big convenience store.   Plan is to grill up some hamburgers and take it easy tonight.  We have 3 manual locks tomorrow, where we need to pass a line up to the lock master and he passes it back down.  This will be completely new to us, so hoping it all goes smooth.  
I did discover that with all of the isenglass up on the bridge, really should not have a cigar.  Felt like I was in an Indian smoke house.  Not positive but I am pretty sure I had a vision quest.
Lucy seems to be mesmerized by the washer.  If she only had thumbs to turn the dials!   Marcia is cleaning the inside of the boat while I came up on the bridge to update the blog.

Should be an easy night, which is good given that I think it will be an exciting day with the locks and arriving in Pittsburgh.  Hopefully some first hand pictures of Three Rivers stadium.

Thanks for reading and will try to post again tomorrow.

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