Sunday, June 23, 2019

Dayt 13 - Made it back to Huntington WV

Stats - Today 133 miles, 3 locks,  8 hours - Total - 787 miles 24 locks.

So an early 7:00 am departure today, given that we had a long way to go.  Was 52 degrees when we left, and over 80 when we docked.  That is Fahrenheit, not Celsius, for my Canadian Crystal Claire buddies.  River started out pretty bad, filled with a lot of debris.  Kent Stephens, think of our Portsmouth trip, and Dave Brill, think of our Augusta trip.  We made it to the 1st lock in about an hour, but had to wait an hour for a barge to lock through.  Only one chamber working.  For those reading who are not familiar with locks, you usually find a floating bollard and tie off to it.  For those who have been through, normally you drop about 15 to 20 feet.  With the river so high, we are only dropping about 5 feet.  Water is high everywhere.

When we arrived at the 2nd lock of the day, we did not have to wait, but were told there was some debris.  I said "how bad can it be", given what we have already gone through.  I was wrong!  I am not saying that anymore.  You can think, but don't you dare say it!

We did make it through but it was rough.  Felt like an ice breaker pushing all the crap out of the way.  Was able to cruise nicely at 26 mph with the current, and did not have to slow down as nobody was out.  Not as much debris after the first lock.  Still had to keep a sharp look out, but was able to run at speed.  Good news, bad news.  Good news is high temperature alarm on the port engine works.  Bad news is the high temperature alarm on the port engine went off.  Shut down in the river and went to investigate.  Turns out the locks were still seeking revenge as the strainer was completely clogged with debris.  I cleaned it out and the starboard one as well and we were back in business.
Some random pictures as we cruised today.
Remember the big cracker plant from a few posts ago.  Barges carrying piping structure up from New Orleans.
 I guess this is where the old B&B riverboats go to die.
This was the dock that we stayed at in Pomeroy on the way up.  Glad we did not plan on stopping here again as it is under water.
 For those of you wondering how they work on the tugs.
 Point Pleasant Marine company is not looking so good.
Every wonder why it takes so long by river?
I did see this barge today, and it made me smile.

We did make it to Huntington and got tied up.  We knew the trick to getting power so we are good for the night.  We decided to eat dinner on the boat and then Uber into town for Cold Stone ice cream.  Yes Maggie, I ate a Chocolate Devotion ice cream.  We walked around for while, but not much open on a Sunday night.  They evidently decorate tug boats around town, similar to what Cincinnati does with the flying pigs.  Just a couple of them, but they were all pretty cool.

Back at the boat now for what we hope is a peaceful night.  Planning on a short day tomorrow with a fuel stop and then onto Portsmouth.  Looking forward to a steak at Scioto Ribbers.  More rain predicted tomorrow, so hope they are wrong.  Keeping an eye on the Cincinnati river level hoping it continues to go down.  If not, hoping there is not a lot of debris.
Lucy continues to become more accustomed as the trip progress.  She is not hiding anymore when we are cruising.  Marcia even brought her up on the bridge to hang out.

1 comment:

  1. Sure do miss those Scioto Ribber ribeyes!! Yummy!! Enjoy and Safe Travels!!
